I currently am using a Linksys wireless B router with my Compaq Presario with built-in wireless G. It shows 11mbps, but I heard cable modems normally operate at 4-5mbps. If this is so, would my laptop be faster on the Net if I upgraded to a Wireless G or the Wireless G with Speedbooster? I do not play games online, just surf and stuff like that. Thanks!
you might not see any difference as the signal goes thru your cable modem before it gets to your wireless router. so the stumbling block or choke is the actual cable speed as who is using it besides you & not just in your house? but on your street & block
thru a 5 port linksys hub thru a linksys router thru a motorola cable modem that i got from a customer when both linksyses wouldn't work with her new p4 & old p1. have 2 customers who had delink wireless routers for 1 laptop & tower each & both customers switched to all wired routers
personally, i had a bad experence with Linksys, i had to reset my Wireless G router daily, even after firmware updates. I got my D-Link (DI-624) and have not had to reset it in over 6 months. No disconnects or anything.