I have never had problem with backing up with the exception of 1 or 2. Now it seems that almost anything i throw in gives me crc error, encrypted data errors and so on. I made sure ide is set to dma when available. I use dvd shrink (latest version) and even decryptor isnt cutting it. I also have dvd 43 installed hoping that would help. One more thing i even bought a lens cleaner and that didnt help. Whats wrong?
nightmare on elm street some do ok others dont i am refering to other movies from the series. But thats not the only movie its multiple movies, like i said before it was like i had 98% success before no i get about 25% sucess with just tryin to rip the movie.
i have reinstalled both decryptor and dvdshrink. I just dont understand why i keep getting crc errors?! I have discs before that look twice as bad. Its as if the burner has become more sensitve.
Hi, Dirty laser lens perhaps? Try blowing out the drive with compressed air or use one of those lens cleaner discs
i bought a lens cleaner. its a maxell laser lens cleaner. I've losing hope for this thing. I tried 2 more BRAND NEW ones today the first went ok, the second got a crc error. Both discs are PERFECT!
You can try playing the movie for a couple of minutes with PowerDVD or WinDVD ... Open Shrink, then close out PowerDVD or WinDVD. Maybe this will unlock the dvd.
what about the ati dvd player that i came with my ati vid card? does thsat serve the same purpose or does it HAVE to be windvd or powerdvd?