Is my Burner shot?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by hanxan, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. hanxan

    hanxan Guest

    I am having a problem with my burner, I have done no updating or anything, just all of a sudden, I will put in a dvd it spits it back out, after about 15 times of doing this it would finally take it, and then work fine, but now after doing this, It comes up as no disk in drive. Is it shot or does any one have any idea. Thanks in Advance for trying to help out a moron. LOL
  2. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    If it's really bothering you, I would Just buy another burner. $40 isn't worth the aggravation. Probably not the Answer you're looking for, but if you have to keep closing the drive that might get to be annoying after awhile. Do you really have that much time on your hands?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    What kind of dvd discs are these? Blanks,backups,originals?

    If they are blanks they get spit out when you're trying to burn them,usually it's a firmware issue. The firmware doesn't recognize the MID code of your media. If it was burning fine and then switch spindles of blank media,format,different pk size,faster rated speed. Firmware updates are needed to handle the faster/newer media that comes out.

    If it's backup discs,probably a compatability issue.Let us know the brand name/format/and rated speed. Crap media can give us many problems.

    It it does it to original discs,your drive may be lost-usually going through device manager under dvd-rom/dvd drives-uninstall drivers-reboot usually takes care of it.

    Let us know the brand name and model # of that burner and we'll try to find the latest firmware update. Also locate the version that's on your drive. Neroinfotool,dvdidentifier,and dvd decrypter will tell you.

    Here's dvdidenifier-it's free:

  4. granny2

    granny2 Guest

    I have the same problem, tray will not close. I close it and 3-4 seconds later it opens. I have uninstalled drives and rebooted, uninstalled Nero and ran a cleaning tool, rebooted. Did the enditall program, which I love, it fixed another issue I was having with my printer.

    Was wondering if I need a firmware update, not sure, so hoping someone here can help me.

    I have a DYNEX 16X Internal Dual DVD-R
    model #? 7005439
    Type DVD+R/RW DL Recorder
    Master WDCWD204BA
    Slave DVDRW IDE 16X
    Firmware A082

    I always use verbatim, burning at half speed, but even my program CD's are not staying inside long enough to be read.

    When I checked the Nero tool box, it said ASPI not installed. I have no clue what that means.

    And yes, I am a newbie just learning as I go....
  5. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Sounds like both of you have toasted burners. You can try putting the suspect burner in another computer and see if it works. Otherwise, I think the burner is done, and I guarantee it if it spits a disc out with the IDE cable detached.
  6. hanxan

    hanxan Guest

    I found my problem to be the new disks that sony and disney are using. thats why my drive wont recognize them. Has anyone heard of anything to help this???
  7. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    If they don't work at all then return them. They are defective product.

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