I am not sure exactly where to post this so i will post this here sorry if i am doing something wrong i am really not meaning to... But i got a warning but i think Nephilim about my signature so i took out the spaces and everything is it still too big? Thanks in advance =]
here ye go,now all ye hane to do is get it hosted..it should be around 20k http://i.my.afterdawn.com/original/6919.jpg
Sorry im kinda a noob this may be a dumb question but isnt that bigger than it was before? And where is the other picture of the guy on the horse i attached. Also what site do you recommend for me to host it at?
yes it bigger but only 20k instead of 80kthe horse guy is another pix. see http://i.my.afterdawn.com/original/6921.jpg
i will be deleting those pixs http's thats why i told ye to download the pixs and get them hosted.. http://i.my.afterdawn.com/original/6921.jpg http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:kdW23NA4caUJ:www.rubberpoet.com/Pigspics both pixs are less then 20k i made the pix smaller like it was..
to get ye pix in ye sig... example [*img] http://images.google.com/images? [*/img] but with out the *
Yea i know what you're saying but i hosted it on imageshack the properties link for the pics, and i dont know which hosted link to use...