hi i was wondering if anyone could save my life. I recently purchased an xbox and tried my hand on the no modchip expliots. the audio expliot did not work. i got as far as using the gave save to enable me to ftp to my harddrive. i then tried to put evox in my c:/ partittion.i rebooted my xbox and it went into the green screen of death. tried to go back with the mech assault save but when i went into run linux it would not work (worked previously fine) i think maybe the game save got currupted somehow. so i left it for a day now the bloody game wont load and it goes staight to green screen with error 21. im thinking maybe i get an executer 2.3b plus and then use a slayers or fireFu*kers install disk. would this work? or do you think my xbox is toast? thanks in advance for your help.
there is a couple of ways you can get yourself out of this(both reqire a pc,and crossover cable or hub/router), FIRST of all, if you have a freind with a modded xbox, you can get him to do a hard drive hot swop, and dealete the corrupt files via ftp, when your xbox hard drive is in his xbox(i wont go further into this as you probably dont have a freind with a modded xbox, if you do personal message me for more help with the hotswop method) SECOND buy a modchip, flash it with a hacked BIOS(4981.67 works for me) if you buy an xecuter 2.3b lite(which i recomend) before you flash it you will have cromwell flash screen, after you flash it you will once again get error 21 BUT DONT PANIC, all you have to do then is make a evox boot disc, so you can FTP and dealete the bad files. again i wont go completely into this as you may want to hot swop, please personal message me your email address with what method you want to do.