Is the EZ flash 3 in 1 my best choice for...

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Gman01, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Gman01

    Gman01 Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    Playing GBA roms and using the browser? Is there any complications or problems with it that I may not know about? I tried doing a search but there are very few topics on this product, and none that helped me out.

    I know you can buy the M3 lite to play GBA roms, but it's like $70 and the 3 in 1 seems to do more, and it's only $20.


    EDIT: I should mention I have an M3 simply... not sure if that matters.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I would definetly recommend it, I used the 3-1 with my M3DSS for about a week, the only two downsides are no real time clock so games like Pokemon need to be patched, and it can take time to load a new game (loading the last game you played is instant) The added rumble and RAM are useful too, i've been playing Metroid Prime Pinball all week with the rumble function - great fun :)

    You do need a homebrew program to use the 3-1 with the simply, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.
  3. Gman01

    Gman01 Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    Thanks for the reply. It sounds like the 3 in 1 is the cheapest and best way to get both GBA games and browser use in one. Have you used it with the UK browser yet? Is it any good?
  4. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Yes I have used it with the european browser and it works perfectly, you do have to remember that you have to set the 3-1 to RAM mode using the GBA homebrew program for it before loading the browser (only takes a couple of seconds)
  5. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    The homebrew application can be found at
    It is called Rudolph´s EZ-Flash V 3-in-1 Tool.
    Only requirement is that you have to be a member there to donwload it. Registration is easy and free though.

    Hey mr. hankey what is required to patch the pokemon games so that they work. I got an m3 ds simply and an ez flash 3 in 1. I am using the ez flash 3 in 1 tool by rudolph.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2007
  6. Gman01

    Gman01 Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    EDIT: Found out all the answers except 2:

    Does Rudolph's EZ flash 3-in-1 tool v1.8 have to be patched at all?
    Does it include everything I will need for the browser to work?

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2007
  7. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Yes, you need to DLDI patch it (otherwise it won't backup your GBA saves)

    The only extra thing you need is the browser rom.

    Pokemon games will require some form of IPS patch, I havn't used them myself so dunno where to find them. (I actually buy games, so just use my actual Pokemon games in the rare case when I want to play them)
  8. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    Hey mr hankey, I didn't need to DLDI patch the 3 in 1 tool. I just put it the card and it worked. Must of been prepatched...

    I heard that you just need to have the ez flash 3 in 1 and wi-fi connection to use the browser. Oh and the browser it self.
  9. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Have you tried playing more than 1 GBA game with it? it won't keep your GBA save games if it isn't DLDI patched. (it will keep 1 savegame on the 3-1, but when you change game it cannot backup the save onto the MicroSD)
  10. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    Yeah, I have tried like 6 games already.
    -Mario kart super curcuit
    -Metroid Fusion
    -Metroid Zero Mission
    -Metal Slug Advance
    -Pokemon Diamond
    -Pokemon Fire Red
    And all of these have a save file that is kept in a folder called SAVE.
    I got the 3 in 1 tool from

    But what I would like to know is if you can have more than one game on the ez flash 3 in 1 and just have a menu to choose which game to play. Like say having Metal Slug Advance and Mario Kart Super Ciruit on the ez flash 3 in 1 at the same time.
    Do you know if this is possible?
  11. Gman01

    Gman01 Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    It sounds like you might have ver 1.7 - according to the readme file that came with v1.8, it said you need to patch 1.8, but 1.7 was pre-patched. If you have 1.8 and didn't have to patch it, that is a bonus- I hope I won't have to.

    Also, with running games, it's my understanding that they can be played in one of two modes, and I'm not sure which is better or faster. I will copy and paste part of the readme:

    "====== Usage ======

    Run "3in1_ExpPack_Tool.NDS".
    L and R switch between the PSRAM, NOR and Rumble modes. The Rumble mode only shows up on
    supported carts.

    PSRAM Mode:

    (A) Load the selected game into PSRAM and run it.

    [start] Load the selected game into PSRAM and soft reset back to the flashcart menu.
    (only works on R4/M3 Simply and DSLink)

    Until the power is turned off or the 3in1 is removed from the system, the game in PSRAM
    will be used when switching to GBA mode or using DS<->GBA linkage.

    (B) Backup the save for the last game run from PSRAM.

    (X) Backup all 512k of SRAM to SRAM.BIN.

    (Y) Restore all 512k of SRAM from SRAM.BIN.

    Games up to 16 megabytes, with SRAM, EEPROM or 512kbit Flash saves can be run from PSRAM.
    Games that are larger than 16 megabytes, and games that use 1024kbit Flash saves must be
    flashed to NOR.

    NOR Mode:

    (A) Write the selected game to NOR.

    (X) Start the game in NOR.

    (B) Backup the save from the NOR game to a file.

    (Y) Restore the save for the NOR game from the save file."
  12. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    PSRAM is faster to load as the game is copied to the fast temporary RAM area which is what opera would use. Though it is much faster to load, if you find your playing the same game everytime, then it will be quicker to use the NOR option once and just load it like a GBA game everytime until you want to change game.

    Note that when using PSRAM the game is cleared from memory everytime you turn off the DS, so you have to reload it to the 3-1 everytime (the savefile is still kept)

    NOR mode copies the GBA game to to proper area meant for GBA games on the 3-1, the games will stay in memory, even when the DS has been turned off, and will function as a normal GBA game until you decide to remove the game yourself, it is slower to load the game onto the memory, but from then on it is much faster to start playing the game as you can just load it like a normal GBA game, some games have to be put in this mode either becuase they are very large (e.g Kingdom Hearts) or use a 1024kbit Flash save.

    Also, I have only been using 1.8, hence why I thought all versions required patching.

    I do not think it is yet possible to load more than one game onto the 3-1, however it isn't impossible, think of the 3-1 as one of the old GBA carts, they used to only load 1 game a time untill someone programmed a loader, just have to wait and see if someone does it for this too.
  13. mike10

    mike10 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I am really confused I got my EZ flash 3 in 1 earlier today and it I was able to make a savefile on the first rom that I tried which was Super mario advance 2 but on every other rom it will not let me save the game

    I have tried using both 1.7 and 1.8 versions Rudolph's EZ flash 3-in-1
    and I have tried patching both of them with this DLDI patch

    I am using it with my M3DS simply

    Does anybody have any suggestions or know what my problem could be?
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2007
  14. mike10

    mike10 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    okay I put a bunch of other roms onto my SD card and it seems like some games will only save in NOR mode, some will save in PSRAM and NOR mode and other games will not save at all

    do some games just not work properly with the EZ flash 3 in 1 or could there be some sort of problem on my end
  15. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Games with 1024k flash saves cannot save in PSRAM mode.
    All games should be able to save in NOR mode.

    What games are you having problems saving with and I will see if I can test them myself.
  16. mike10

    mike10 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    The donkey Kong country games, super mario advance 1 and 3, duke Nukem advance are the games that I could not get to save
  17. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Using my M3DSS + EZFlash 3-1 + Rudolphs Tool v1.8 I have tested both mario games, and duke nukem (both USA and EUR) and can only get Super Mario Advance 3 to save.

    I will see if I can find any fixes for them.

    Also I cannot get hold of Donkey Kong so a link to a site which has GBA games would be useful.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2007
  18. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    @mr hankey
  19. mike10

    mike10 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    okay thanks for you help Mr Hankey

    I decided to try downloading a bunch of different releases of the games I was having problems with from that site that HG27 gave out and I was also able to get Mario advanced 3 working

    but the other games will still not work properly
  20. Gman01

    Gman01 Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    Hey guys,
    Well, I received the 3in1 and I am just testing it out. I'm pretty confused about NOR vs PSRAM overall, and the save function is a bit confusing too, so I will test it.

    One thing I was hoping for help on though- There's kind of a windows-like frame around the screen with "3DSS GBA Loader" along the top. I don't suppose theres any way to get rid of that is there? Also, the soft reset function doesn't seem to work like it does with NDS games. Is there a way around that too?


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