Someone told me there was a loseless format (compressed about 40%) that can run through media player directly from a cd-r. Was he pulling my leg?
No hi didn't: . But you need a COMPUTER for playback. No regular audio player is able to handle lossless compressor files.
I just wish modern dvd standalones would begin supporting .ogg file data discs. What the hell, though? At .46c each Canadian for blanks, I'll just do up the rest of my music cds as uncompressed red book clones. Playable on *any* standalone.
Even though I live in britain I get my cd-r media really cheap. I pay 15p a disc for Discplanet made by Prodisc. I honeslty don't care to compress my music cd's. At that price I just make regular music discs.
Nowadays it is cheaper to use cd-r as coasters than buy coasters. Such is that I don't mind using extra cd-r for my music.