Is there a Passcard 3 substitute?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by HG27, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    I'm new to this backing up of NDS games, but I have heard that you will need a Passcard 3 or some other device to load NDS games.
    Why is this needed? can you just use a real game in slot one instead or something else? If you "flash" your NDS will this not be needed, because I hear about people and how they flash their NDS
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    If using a a slot-2 (GBA slot) device you need a way of forcing the DS to run DS code from the GBA port, the Passcard3 forces the DS to do this, hence why it is needed.

    However, you can install a firmware replacement known a FlashMe on the DS whic voids the need of using a Passcard as it will automatically load the slot-2 device in DS mode on boot of the system, Catch is yo need to use a Passcard at least once to be able to install FlashMe.

    If using the newer slot-1 devices no Passcard is needed as the DS runs DS code from slot-1 by default, most slot-1 devices also have the added benefit of themselves being used as a passcard for slot-2 devices should you own both.

    Excuse any missing letters from my posts, my keyboard is running out of battery ¬_¬ just been through ths post to add several missing letters...
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2007
  3. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    wow, thanks man. So if I used an M3 in slot 2 I will need a passcard to play ds games off of gba port and if I used something like ds simply in slot 1 the passcard is not needed or built in?
  4. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Correct, the M3 DS Simply replaces the need to use a Passcrd with a slor-2 device, whe you turn on the Ds with both inserted it will load the M3 DS Simply, there is then an option in the main menu labled "Boot Slot-2" you choose this and it will load the GBA port device in DS mode.
  5. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    hey, which would you recommend the R4 or the M3 DS Simply and why?
    Also I heard that they were coming out with anoter M3 called "DS Real" which would discontinue support for DS Simply. Is this true?
  6. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    They are developing the M3 DS Real, bt it won't mean support for the Simply will be dropped upon it's release, they still update their other M3 products (CF/SD/MiniSD/Lite/Pro's) despite the release of the Simply.

    I would recommend the M3, but that is because I have used the M3 products before. Bare in mind that the R4 and M3 are identical though, so choice is up to you. I have seen posts that the R4 is supposedly cheaper, but I have checked the usual sites I purchase from and they are all identically priced (usually $44.99 ish) with the only exception being one site selling the R4 at $42ish, but not supplying the M3 at all, I also happen to know that site overcharges on postage to make up for their cheap prices though.
  7. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    thanks for your input. Where would you recommend me buying the DS Simply from?
  8. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Any of the links found in my guides, these are plces I have either boght from myself, or have had many high recommendations from.
  9. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    thanks so much man!

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