hello, i'm really new here. actually, just joined a minute ago, so much thx to those helping me later. i just want to ask, is there a program to encode mpeg 1 files before burning them onto nero. it takes WAYY to long to ENCODE!! by the time i encoded 55%..i've already converted 2 rvmb files to mpeg 1 already. i read some threads that talked about nero being really slow and taking soo long and taking DAYS just to encode a file to DVD.. but in my case, it's VCD. so does anyone know a program that can ENCODE the file and then i dont need to encode it when i start the AHEAD NERO burning? a program that's faster than..DAYS..? or.. 6 hours lol. thx for help!!!
Try this set of guides. http://www.videohelp.com/author If you just want a converter for anything to mpeg or whatever http://www.thugsatbay.com/tabencode.html
Another answer: Don't use Nero to encode. It's good for newbies but provides virtually no control over the process.
thank you, yeah now i know.. nero's not that good AT ALL for encoding. it took 5 hours and 40 minutes but IT FROZE AT THE END. i was mad, but then i started using winavi, and it's fast. i just want to know does winavi leave watermarks?