Basically, you go into My Computer, right click your CD or DVD drive (with an audio CD inserted) and explore, all you get is Track1 - Track2 - Track3 etc. Is there a plugin that will connect to the Net and tag the files? It's a long shot I know. Just for when you want to listen a track on a CD, and it's dark, and you don't know track lists off by heart.
Naming the audio tracks on a reg. audio CD is a function of the media player that you are using.Many media players will go online and find this info.if you are hooked to the internet.I know that Winamp and WMP will do this.Rather than right clicking on a track,open your media player and point it to the CD/DVD drive and let it open the CD and go from there.Not all CDs have this the internet database.
Yeah, Winamp does what you describe. I have 2x ROMs - so I put 2x CD's in there, but I only want to listen a few tracks off each one. I couldn't remember what track related to what number, it's dark and I can't see the cover. So I had to load one CD into Winamp, let it tag them, remove what I didn't want. Then Enque the other CD, and remove what I didn't want. All I was thinking was if XP would Tag them direct in My Computer I can Enque into Winamp as required. Just a bit of a time saver.