Since the R4 forums are dead, I can't find out if there is a limit to the size of a card you can use with the R4. I've only seen a 2gig card used, but I figured that was only because of the cost of larger cards. Do 4 or 8 gig cards work? I don't want to buy one and it not work out.
The R4 can use upto 4GB Standard MicroSD cards. SDHC (High Capacity) cards do not work on the R4. Standard 4GB cards are hard to find, but do exist.
@Scruffy That link takes me directly to a SDHC card which is exactly what I said would not work in the R4
Well Scandisk only makes a 4G SDHC so finding a "real" company that has a standard one will probally not be easy.