is there any benifits in partitioning a 80 gig hard drive into 4, 20 gig partitions

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mahenry, Jan 15, 2003.

  1. mahenry

    mahenry Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    i have copied many dvd's and many ps2 games. most of the time the program i use stores a temporary image on my 80 gig hard drive. however i am worrying that seeing as my hard drive is not partitioned. the image will be stored in the exact same place every time i copy anther movie to disk(temp image that is and eventually damage that section of the hard drive. am i overworrying or is there some validity in my concern. furthermore is it good to create 4, 20 gig partitions and select a different one each time thus allowing different parts of the hard drive to be used for temporary storage of movies. you know what they say keep walking over the same area of carpet
  2. seamonkey

    seamonkey Regular member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    hi there..
    hmm.. not sure if it will help or not, but it sure makes things easier to organize.
    i have a 100GB and 60 GB hard drives in my pc.
    i split my 100gb into 3 partitions of 30GB, and my 60 GB into 2 partions of 30GB. I use my 60GB harddrive to store my OS and program files i install, and i use the other 3 for DVD/XBOX burning, Music, and personal files...

    keeps my $h!t clean!
  3. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    another benefit of partitioning your drive is if you crash the partition with your OS and apps on it, the other virtual drives are just storage and uneffected if you need to format the primary active partition (C:) - and with a 100 gig drive, you could set up the active partition and then make a ghost image of it and store it on another partition in case you ever have to restore the machine.

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