I am trying to burn the whole season one of Chuck, which is thirteen episodes. they are all .avi files of regular size ( about 350MB each) I am using Nero Express to burn them all onto one DVD (data DVD) I am using imation DVD+R media (what I always use for .avi files) But, when I hit burn I get this error message: Is there any way to fit them all on a DVD, by using a different program, or re-encoding them somehow to make them smaller, or will I have to use another Cd for the last episode (I hate having a last ep. on a different disk) Thanks
i've had this problem myself. if you re-encode, it will reduce the quality twice, once to make it smaller, and once again because you are RE-encoding.... my decision was to burn on to dual layer dvds (8gb), rather than use a separate cd for the last episode....
Thanks for the reply. I have used dual layer DVDs for full 24 episode seasons eg. lost/heroes But I just don't think it's worth wasting 8 gigs, just because of a 100mb However if nothing else pops up, I may just have to do that
Well tell Nero you are using a DVD-9. Then take the files produced and run them trough Recode. Remember the size of the source files means nothing it's all about running time. For me (assuming these are about 50 minutes) even 6 episodes are too many for a DVD-5.
You can use AGK to set up a job queue. Load an AVI set the custom size (times thirteen,330MB?) that will fit a DVD. Add the job to the queue and repeat. 'Start' and let it run overnight. A three or four percent change won't matter since AGK uses two passes. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/autogk.cfm
*any and every* re-encode will cause a loss in quality - by definition. its just a matter of how much and whether you care. but *any and every* one will.
Just an update I decided to convert 4 files to a specific size, so that they would fit on 1 dvd without ruining the quality of all the episodes. I left the last four to convert, but when I checked them the audio was out of sync for two of them. I eventually got 4 converted, and burned the whole season onto 1 DVD. Thanks for your help!!! PS - Just wondering why the audio was out of sync.
Cannot say, but some files with variable bit-rate audio (VBR) show this problem when encoded. It's possible to convert the audio to CBR (constant bit-rate) before using AGK. A program like VirtualDub or Avidemux (and many others) can be used to do this. I didn't respond because it's all subjective. What I regard as acceptable, makes others recoil in horror.
One other thing... Always burn video no faster than 4x. You will loose quality otherwise. I see you were trying to burn @ 16x.