Is there anything cheaper then an xbox mod chip?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by JParkes, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. JParkes

    JParkes Regular member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Hi, I have a mate who modded my PS2 for me about 9 months ago, that cost me £40's which was alright and I can backup PS2 games, I've been doing that for 6 months now. I got an xbox 7 months ago and would like to get it chipped, I phoned him about it and he said it would cost £50's to get it chipped! I know this sounds stupid but is there anything like swap magic disks for the xbox? I know your probably thinking I'm a right tight ass but I can't simply put an xbox game into my PC and back it up as the PC doesnt read xbox games, so I'd also need a HD upgrade so I'll be able to rip games from xbox drive to HD. Also does the software cost money that allows you to rip XBOX games to xbox HD? Or can I burn that myself?
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you can softmod your xbox which is a linux-game hack and is extremely popular right now,but 50 bux sounds right for the chip a good hd upgrade will run about 90 -120$ depending on how much space you want....the softmod will run about 40 bux in the end so thats only a 10 dollar difference......
  3. Allegro1

    Allegro1 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2005
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    That's 50 POUNDS, not 50 dollars. That's more like $88 which is a little steep since the top of the line chips cost about $60. A cheap chip costs about $19 or 11 pounds. If you have an Xbox that is an earlier than 1.6, you can do a hardware mod for nothing. Just research the topic called TSOP flashing. 1.0 Xboxers are in the best of luck because with a switch, you can have a modded box and the original version with the flip of a switch. Softmodding is also a free method, but adding a larger hard drive is more involved and can be problematic if you don't understand or can't follow the directions clearly.
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    oops didnt notice he didnt live in the us....
  5. modinme

    modinme Member

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Dude u need to use spliter cell its hell alot eriser an cheper all u have to do is by AR an get a guide an softmod ur xbox
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no chip is way better in my opinion you cant go wrong with a chip a lot more advantages
  7. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    if u dont want to spend a lot of money on a modchip just mod ur xbox with action replay
  8. halotwo

    halotwo Regular member

    Jan 5, 2006
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  9. jkl

    jkl Regular member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    oy, look there's another way to softmod theat is free. it does involve opening your xbox and hooking the hdd to a computer to downloaad the programs right on to the xbox hdd. then you just download the required files and put the on there ill go into more detail later. by the way total amount saved my way 100%.

    til later, jkl
  10. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    softmoding is easier u dont have to open ur xbox
  11. jkl

    jkl Regular member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    what im talking about is still a softmod. and possibly easier than your splinter cell james bond whatever else sort of way. plus its a LOT cheaper. and so far i have had no problems with it plus my xbox v1.0 stock w/ my softmod runs better than any1's elses i know. it is faster plus takes up less room. well shoot it even runs better on xbc on dial up then some of these people on dsl or satalite. ill just try to find the tut. on how i softmodded my xbox then ill post it here. if not ill just tell pretty much how you doit ....
  12. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    agent under fire is the easiest just copy 1 file to ur xbox and load it
  13. jkl

    jkl Regular member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    hmm. ill let you say its easier however its still not easy enough to go and pay for the game memory card and action replay. now if you who started this thread still want to do it his way ok. it's your money if not tell me and i will tell you how to doit the cheap way.
    (by cheap i mean FREE)!!!!!!!hahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    well u could make ur own memory card and download the action replay program from the internet that's as cheap as u can really get
  15. jkl

    jkl Regular member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    and yet you still have to buy the game. not to mention only certain types of those certaint games will work for a softmod plus with the time it takes to build your own memory card plus find the files on the internet you could already have your xbox softmodded. plus there is no confusing menus to go through on your xbox.
    (though im not argueing with you. your way can be better in some cases. (for instance its easier to take yours off... unless you know a short cut like the one i use to take mine off...but that's a secret that xbox live hasn't figured out yet so im not going to even put it on the internet and that includes pm's or im's email or anything i forgot. they will not find a way to ban me fro that.hahaha ha haha(evil laughter)
  16. halotwo

    halotwo Regular member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    thats true

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