is there such thing as a working xbox emulator?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mark5hs, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. mark5hs

    mark5hs Guest

    Ive seen that emulator that only plays halo but when I read about it, It was from 04. Did any xbox emulators come out that can play commercial games?
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    No there isn't one..The closest is Xeon but it's honestly not worth the effort. And the pc dvd rom can't read xbox disks anyway
  3. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Well... If you use wxRipper designed for the 360 you can get a working image for a game minus the security sector, but that isn't really important for emulation. Then you can use another tool to extract the files from the image. As far as I know, it also works just fine for Xbox 1 games, but I haven't tried. I know for a fact it works with 360 games as I have been playing around with a PD0 image, and the file systems are the same I think between the 360 and Xbox 1.

    Basically what you do is start wxRipper, put the biggest DVD movie into your drive you can find, tell it to find magic number, stop spinning the disc, remove the disc WITHOUT pressing the eject button (by using the emergency eject hole, or by stripping the drive down and physically removing) then replace with your game and put the tray back in, spin up the drive and you are about good to go.

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