i was wondering if this vid card is anygood for the money http://www.bestbuy.com/site//olspage.jsp?id=1099392683173&skuId=6970968&type=product
I would say yes, from what i've read on the net this is the card to get if you want a good performance, The Memory Clock is 1050MHz & the Core Clock is 525MHz i would say that's very good for the price, you may find it cheaper thou, i plan on getting the same one except for AGP. Am sure other people that have this card will let you know how it works for games like battlefield 2. You should read this review for more info on it, http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1774897,00.asp hope this helps.
Yeah it is a good card but about $50 to $60 cheaper at Newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814168001
ya but my bestbuy credit card makes purchases like this a lot easier lmao but i will look at newegg and try to talk the old lady into it thx
Hey you have to work with what ever you got I know that feeling its still a pretty good deal from them... ;-)
hey mayo if i get that 128 card how will it far compared to a cheaper 256 card around the same price i just saw that that one is also sli compatible so i could get likr 2 of the for around 400 bucks and still have my 256 lol
Yeah the 6600GT is about the best mid range card you can get at the mo, but you might want to hold off for a while, with the release of the 7800GTX and the soon 7800ultra it means that 6800 prices will come down by a fair bit ...so you could end up with a nice 6800GT/ultra at a very resonable price indeed....and the 6600GT plays BF2 very nicely
i didnt really have one in mid thought i did but i couldnt find one on bestbuys site just all agp no pcie version the was 256 and under $300 also where it is best buy i have like 15 bucks in reward zone cash and there is a 30 dollar mail in rebate so i will get it for round 165 bucks