Ive seen lightscribe burners but will they do the lightscribe to dvds too or no like a cd you can just burn an image but can you do that with dvds. Whats a good 18x exturnal dvd drive for under $150 and is there any burner faster then 18x???
i have a hp litescribe 820y... & i label my dvds with it. the only thing is you must buy the litescribe discs in order to use it.
Lightscribe will work with lightscribe dvd media and cd-r media. I'm not impressed with either of them and still prefer inkjet printable media and a printer capable of printing directly on the disc eg. epson R200, R220,R320, etc. Here's a good ext. drives http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106036 Your best bet would be to get an internal drive of your choice and then buy an external enclosure for it. I personally recommend litey's for good, reasonably priced drives.