Yea i just burned this movie. And when i load it into my dvd player on my PC it says: Windows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location on the DVD. All i did was put it into the dvd tray and i get this. But when i put it in my home theatre dvd player it works fine. and i also put it into my xbox 360 and it works fine. :/ anyways this is the only time that this has happened so i dont know lol. here is my dvd player in my pc. TSSTcorp DVD-Rom SH-D162C
if you burned the dvd from your comp and the video you are trying to get works from the comps hardrive.your comps rom may not be able to read the type of disc you are using (dvd-r dvdt+r). Also you may wan to try burning it again but using a differnt type of disc
sorry for the delay in the response ive been away but anyways, no it cant see any files on the disk, all it does when its in my DVD PLayer is switch from DVD drive to cd drive and chagnes the icon to DVD-ROm it actually does switch. you know if you look at it and it says DVD Drive mine switches after i insert the dvd and it says CD Drive and the dvd icon switched to DVD-ROm P.S I am using DVD+R and it has no trouble playing in my DVD home theatre or my XBOX 360, and i jsut figured out it also plays fine in my DVD-Burner :/
Try unistalling the DVD Drive,Then reboot.See if that helps.If that doesnt work try going into system setup on reboot,and your Drive what need a setting changed.
try what Bobby728 has suggested, but your DVDRom drive probably needs the firmware updated to read the disk. What is the brand and model number of your drive? Never mind I see you listed it in your first post. Here is a link to the page with your drive on it SH-D162C ver TS05Your drive will be 5th from the bottom and you should download the TS05 firmware and flash your drive. Let me know if this works.
yea I agree with bbmayo because on my laptop my dvd drive couldnt read DVD+R or DVD-R and i put it in my burner it worked. so i did soome updates and bam i was back in action
Ok but before i flash this, just a quick question, right now my dvd-rom drive is flashed with Kreon .81, if you dont know what this is, its so that it can read my XBOX 360 dvd disks that way i can make a backup of it. Will this firmware update mess with the Kreon v.81 ? thanks.
i would suggest that u buy a new dvd-rom because i would rather make backups of the xbox360's dvd than risk a chance of messing up the firmware. but u could alawys flash it again with that firmware. but i would go buy a new one.
Yea, that makes since, but i dont really watch movies on my computer, i jsut the dvd rom to copy my xbox 360 games, and my dvd movies, since it plays my original dvd's just fine then if i really want to watch the movie ill just use the original one lol. But thanks for the help guys
Have you tried another player software besides Windows Media Player? Try a trial of PowerDVD, or WinDVD8. Usually most retail drives include an OEM software pack with a player. For that matter, most manufactured PCs include DVD player software.
be careful which dvd player you install because powerdvd sometimes causes problems with wmp......just a heads up