I was browsing newegg and found a comment on the 5970.. some guy left a comment about how fast the card is and left his Specs, which were unbelievable. I just wanted to know if that post COULD ever be real.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161311&cm_re=5970-_-14-161-311-_-Product It should be the sencond review titled "Amazing"
I dont see why not. My mobo has 7 sata ports, add a RAID card or 2 to cover the 2 RAIDs. You can add 24 GB of ram...but I thought a 64 bit os could only run 8 GB max? Your not going to fit 2 PSUs in that case with out modding it, but the second PSU doesnt have to be in the case. The OC is pretty up there I think(its 3:30AM thinking doesnt work well atm), but possible.
Windows 7 X64's limit is 8TB, not 8GB. Yes, it is possible...the RAID arrays are not very impressive, and the overclock is believable. Using 4 cards requires water or phase change cooling, and even then I bet there is a lot of waisted performance because there just are not enough PCIe channels for that many cards plus a good RAID adapter. My only issues with his claims are the case (not enough room for all the drives, or for two power supplies), and the power supplies (1200W is the limit of a 10A 120V circuit, as found in most US houses)
yeah uhh.. thats ALOT of harddrives for a 1200 along with 2 PSUs. I guess its all believable, but 4 5970's is kinda hard to believe.