Hi I'm newish to site. I have searched for the answer to this but struggled. I can easily burn downloaded 700mb AVI's etc to DVD's which can play on ordinary dvd players using dvdd and dvd shrink(and others). However how are those AVI files created in the first place? Can you create them off a dvd? I would like to be able to back up my DVD's in this way as it means they take less memory space and can be stored on blank dvds up to five films at a time. Apologies if this has been covered before or I'm in the wrong forum, but please help.
See if AutoGordianKnot suits.It has good help files. http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64266 (Load VTS_01_0.IFO and select predefined size:
Thanks for that. I have scratched the surface of autogk. Will have to invest some serious time by the looks of it.