ISO Documents

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by vince1972, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. vince1972

    vince1972 Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Hi there,
    I have a file which im trying to burn. The problem is, it was origionally a .MDF or some similar file extension, I prefer dealing with ISO files, so I used MagicISO to convert it to and ISO file.

    When the convert completed i expected to get a typical ISO file with icon that looks like a disc, but instead it says 'MagicISO Document' and has a document icon.
    I tried to burn it as ISO, this worked, but it does not autorun. Im wondering if the 'document' title has something to do with this?
    Any help on this and how to change it from document to normal ISO would be great.

  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Do you see the "autorun" file after you converted and burned? Basically MagicIso has become your "default' program for iso's. Try uninstalling>reboot>eject cd>insert cd and see if your backup has "autorun."
    Depending upon what type (name) of iso one has, one can use IsoBuster and extract raw, then use like Nero and burn. If there's any type of cd protection involved, then it would be in the best interest to leave that file as is. The file you have is a Alcohol 120% file m8.
  3. vince1972

    vince1972 Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    It does have an autorun file on the disc I burned. Bit I think I will take your advice and use ISO buster, as Im sure I have that around somewhere.

    I now have the Disc which doesnt run, and the MagicISO document. Which should I use with ISOBuster?


  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Always use the "original" file m8. Right click>open with>IsoBuster>extract raw to a new folder.Open all content in that folder and now use your favorite burning program and try burning as data slow.

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