iso help

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by lesthen10, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. lesthen10

    lesthen10 Guest

    man i am so confused, i posted on iso hunters forum on how to solve this problem as well as others and very confused. I had recently downloaded battle front and it was in that rar thingy. so i extracted it and there was a cd on paper symbol (for dvd dcryptor) and didnt know what to do with it. So i found out i could extract the data with a program called "iso buster" and i tried to, but when i opened the iso in the program and tried to extract noting happened. But i didnt think it could do xbox games anyway. so i wanted to know if someone could direct me to a tutorial and which to guide me through getting damon or dameon and setting up a "virtual drive" so if somebody could help me im completly lost!
  2. NinjaHakr

    NinjaHakr Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    lol wow man this is a very common issue that has plenty of guides to help ya but i'll give you a quick run-through if you haven't already found out.

    Daemon-Tools is easy to download, just do so and install on your computer, make sure during install to click the logged install. Once that is done run the exe and in the bottom right of the screen you'll see a lighting symbol. Right click go up to virtual, then set as many devices as you want.

    With this done you can left click on the symbol and then click on the device you want to mount the image. So basically you extract the iso or bin or w/e as you already have done and then once left clicking on daemon symbol and the left clicking on device X browse for the iso and open it up. Daemon may automatically run the program, or sometimes i've found, you have to go to my computer and double click the appropriate drive that has an item mounted. You see creating devices creates drives under my computer, kinda like the c: drive every hdd has.

    Well that should set you up, again there are lots of things you can do, another solution is to burn the iso to a cd or dvd w/ alcohol or nero or dvddecrypter

    Hope this helps someone
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2005
  3. lesthen10

    lesthen10 Guest

    thnx so i could just burn the xbox iso to a dvd using decryptor and id be ok? beacuse when i transfered the iso i couldnt see the deafult.xbe file or anything like that.... so im wondering if i could just burn the iso file onto a dvd using dvd decryptor and it would auto-play off cd..
    but thanx for the help mate!

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