I currently am working on getting my collection off of my computer and on dvd's I burnt some that were already .iso and they played great on my home dvd player. I then used avi2dvd to convert some .avi's to .iso's. After I did that they would not play in my home DVD player. They are black and white and it looks like an old VHS playing that had the tracking way off.?? Now I am using the same DVD;s for both- verbatin dvd-r and the same burners and same software to burn- either Alcohol or nero. So I am assuming it must be in the settings of avi2dvd? The .iso's work fine on my pc when mounted with Alcohol? Please help. Thank you in advance
What? Just burn those .iso files with Nero using Burn image -mode. Why you convert .avi to .iso? Convert them to DVD-files or make (s)vcd. And you also want to try ConvertXtoDVD or FilmMachine to convert those avi files...