isp address (i know this is the wrong forum) help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by motogp, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. motogp

    motogp Regular member

    May 29, 2005
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    i have brodband cable internet i have used a few sites for d/loading games due to the fact i did not understand download/upload ratio side of things i have successfully managed to get myself removed from said sites i am using bitlord.
    (1)does anybody know how to ajust the d/load /upload ratio on bit lord .
    (2)now that i know why i cannot access these sites anymore is there any way to hide your ispaddress so i can re enter to make right my previous mistake.

    sorry i advance for using this forum to get an answer i was not sure which one to put post onto .

  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You adjust your Upload/Download ratio rate by seeding the torrent files you download to 1.1.

    The reason why you got band from the site is cause your what we call a hit and runner. You download what you want then you delete the torrent from your Torrent client without letting others upload the torrent from you.

    You need to keep it uploading for others to get the file. Deleting it from your Client right after you complete downlaoding takes away the opertunity for others to upload the torrent from you. Its called file sharing for a reason.

    I wont tell you how to get around the ban either. You can find another site and make sure you seed to a ratio of 1.1. Learn from your mistakes.
  3. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    it makes for good karma as well
  4. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I agree 100% with larrylje
    even though he is a Redwings fan, hahahaha just kidding.
    Hit and runners are the reason that a lot of sites have gone to
    the DL/UL ratios. People just go on, get what THEY want and then
    they are done. Without people who seed these files you would have
    no where to DL yours from in the first place. So they expect you to give back to the community that you take from. If you do not want to do that then just stick with the basic torrent sites that do not
    require it, you will just have to put up with the slower DL speeds.
    best way to improve your ratio is to just leave the program running for people to upload files while you sleep or are at work/school.
    that way you are not even effected because you are not there anyway.
  5. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    redwings rule!!!! hehehe

    I hope some pople get some knowlege from this post about the importance of upload/download ratio.

    When I first started it took me forever to download torrents. But since I have got my upload/download ration over 1.1 it dosent take hardly anytime to download a torrent. Just always seed after words to a ratio of 1.1.

    The thing to keep in mind is limit what ya download at a time. Dont set your download speed to max. Slow it down a little either at your upload rate or a little higher. Yes that will take a little more time to download but once your done downloading you will be close to having a ratio of 1.1 and wont have to seed that torrent as long.
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I just download at max speed, then leave them seeding while i sleep and have nothing else going on.
    I am only up to .854 but i am real close. i would be over 1:1 but had to shut it down for today while i back up a few new one's i just got and then will start it again tonight and get there.

    and yeah, the RedWings have been doing quite well this year.
    I give them there props.
  7. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    I just leave mine at T3 full open and it sits at about 850kB/s down and 130kB/s up. At this rate I leave the torrent to seed overnight and my ratio in the mroning is usually at about 2.2

    If the file I need is too large I grab it off of newsgroups and then finish off the broken files with the torrent and then seed for a full night.

    And yeah I still do the same on the sites with public trackers as well......Karma is key.

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