it didnt change from 23.97 to 29.97

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by diablo, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. diablo

    diablo Guest

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    when i used avi2dvd, the original avi movie was 23.98 but AFTER the conversion to dvd the mpeg2 file is still in 23.98, and the vob files are going be in the wrong FPS.

    what do i need to do to get the final format in 29.97

    what do i need to check off or uncheck in the avi2dvd program to get the final product to 29.97 also how do i get the vobs that avi2dvd authorized in the correct format ? is there a shortcut or do i have to run the avi movie file all over again in avi2dvd from the beginning???

  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Actually 23.976fps is the Correct frame rate accept it should have 3:2 Pulldown flags which make it Playback at 29.976fps on your DVD Player but the actual Video only really has 23.976 Full frames per second....

    If you have a 23.976fps Mpeg-2 file you can easilly add the 3:2 Pulldown Flags to the File by useing a program Like "DoPulldown"...

    Also if you Have a 23.976fps Mpeg-2 file you could author it to DVD useing a DVD authoring program Like "MediaChance DVDLab Pro" which will automaticly add the 3:2 Pulldown flags to the Video for you....
    But if all you have is a Video_TS Folder with VOB,IFO,Bup Files and are 100% certain that there are no 3:2 Pulldown flags in the Video then you will probably have to re-encode the files to add the 3:2 Pulldown flags but whatever program you are useing that is Creating the VOB files should not be able to Create them without there being 3:2 Pulldown in the Video files......

  3. diablo

    diablo Guest

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    all i have is the Video_TS Folder with VOB,IFO,Bup Files , how do i check if it has a 3:2 pull down?
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well You can Load one of the VOB files into "Virtual-Dub-Mpeg-2" and then go to "File" to "file Information" and if it says the Frame rate is 23.976fps then it Doesn"t have 3:2 Pulldown But if it says the Video is 29.976fps then it Does have 3:2 Pulldown and you should be able to Burn it to DVD without any problems.....

    You can Download "V-Dub-Mpeg-2" Here:

  5. diablo

    diablo Guest

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    its 23.97 & i dont see where it says 3;2 PULLDOWN
    im having one other problem that i posted earlier is when i encode or authorize the avi files it stays in the 16:9 format or wide screen. id like it full screen but even when i pick 4:3 and 720 x 480 it still shows it on TV as wide screen with the black area above and below the picture , how can i get it full screen?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2005
  6. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Widescreen Movies will allways play back that way on a Regular 4:3 TV set and you Don"t want to make a Widescreen movie Fullscreen because to do that would Mean that a Large area of the Sides of the screen will have to be Cropped off so you will loose a large area of the Screen and won"t be able to see the Whole Frame on your TV set...

    V-Dub will not say "3:2 Pulldown" it will either say the Frame rate is 23.976fps or 29.976fps and if there is No 3:2 Pulldown it will simply say 23.976fps and if there is it will say 29.976fps.....

    I don"t think you can add 3:2 Pulldown to the Vob files after they have been formated into Vob files because the info in the IFO and BUP files will not Corespond to the VOB files anymore But you can do something Like use a Mpeg-2 editor to Join all of the VOB files into a Big Mpeg-2 file and then use DoPulldown to add the 3:2 Pulldown Flags and then Load the File into a DVD authoring Program Like "Tmpgenc DVD Author" or "MediaChance DVDLab pro" and add your Menu"s and Chapters and author the File to DVD.....Actually you could Just Join the VOB files into One Big file and then Load it into DVDLab pro and it will add the 3:2 Pulldown fl;ags for you and then you can add your Menu"s and Chapters and Burn to DVD.....

    Well good Luck

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