I just saw that the v2.2 iPhone can be jailbroken. Is there any way to make this work for a 2.2 iPod Touch? I noticed that the steps for the iPhone required a few other apps besides quickpwn. Does anyone know where I can get them?
Very simple for iTouch, just download quickpwn, update your itouch with the new 2.2 FW in itunes, then quickpwn your phone. CLICK HERE to get ALL the information as well as the software you need.
*currently is the key word there. Keep checking for updates. The 2G ipod touchs will eventually be able to be jailbroken. Did you have a 1G before that? Are you familiar with jailbreaking?
I had a 1g for about a day...took it back for the 2g. I havent jailbroken an ipod but I had a psp that I downgraded and installed cfw on.