Itunes 5.0 Install error, Failure to start services, involves a program "Scotty Watchdog", help!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Reasons?, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Reasons?

    Reasons? Guest

    If there is one thing I hate it's software. Unless it's opensource, then you can fix stuff yourself.

    Installing itunes, my program "Scotty" something watchdog, asked me if I would allow the "Bonjour" service, I accidentally clicked to block it. I went to reinstall after closing Scotty from the system tray, and it still won't aloow it to run. So I searched for scooty everywhere, first of course in the remove programs section of the control panel.

    Ican't find it, and now I can't allow itunes to install.

    Where the hell did this program go? It won't be found or load up in the tray anymore.
  2. Reasons?

    Reasons? Guest

    Lol, ok, here's what happned. I have a god knows how old version of winpatrol. I think they're up to 9.7 now.... but, when I chose to close it from the system tray, it uninstalled itself in the background, and somehow left behind it's ability to block programs. So I reinstalled v9.7 and then unistalled it from the control panel and everything was good.

    Now, itunes won't run, it's installed, but it doesn't open. The process starts up, but nothing else. Holy crap, these coders suck balls, fire them. They create so many competing programs and programs that screw each other over, and frick your computer up, damn it.

    ANyone could do a better job.

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