I have an Ipod Shuffle and wanted to know what the best alternative to Itunes is for simply putting music onto my Shuffle? The Itunes software is not my taste and I want something simpler for transfering music back and forth. Thanks
Hey sorry bud but the only software you can use to put music on your shuffle is iTunes. sorry for the bad news.
^^How can you say that??^^ Have you done any research? There are in fact many iTunes alternatives that have shuffle support... I got some links for ya to try out, apire180 (But I haven't tried any as of yet)~ [bold]iShuffle[/bold] http://agoraphobeus.free.fr/iShuffle/index.html [bold]Anapod Explorer[/bold] http://www.redchairsoftware.com/anapod/ [bold]Yamipod[/bold] http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/home/ [bold]iPod Shuffle database rebuilder[/bold] http://www.ipodpalace.com/view.php?ID=173 Please do a little research before writing things off
I know I am relpying to a OLD thread but I thought just in case someone should look at it (based on the threads title) they could read this. If your looking for a program to sync music to your iPod and are tired of iTunes. MediaMonkey is for you. It has everything and anything you could ever need in a music app. The homepage is mediamonkey.com if you want to look into it.
Thanks for the media monkey alternative program information, my iTunes is not loading no more, so Im very pleased with media monkey...
Actually after trying it, Im not pleased and I cant wait to use iTunes, I had to uninstall media monkey because it doesnt support aac files from iTunes and half of my library is .aac...
personally I converted all of my .aac files to .mp3 as .mp3 is the unviresal format and will always work.
Impossible, I have more than 4,000 songs in aac format, I dont want to imagine how many time I would spend converting one by one..., Thats not practical...
If you've AAC files, and would prefer to use a more "universal" format like mp3, try and re-rip files where possible. Ripping into mp3 is lossy enough; ripping into .aac, and then converting to mp3's will degrade the quality drastically..
I see, but I guess Im gonna wait till the new version of iTunes comes out and see if it solves the problem...
I don't know if it's still possible to reply to this thread but mediamonkey does support AAC audio via a Winamp plugin. Go to the website and do a FAQ search and it'll give you instructions on how to use plugins for AAC audio and even real audio. I'm not sure if this was possible back in August, but I still agree with the moderator, media monkey is king.
In the end, I found that vpod did what I needed and that to simply upload music back and forth and not hog system resources. Very simple freeware but works well...Don't benefit from all the bells and whistles of itunes or allow for the itunes radio that a lot of people like. But, in the end, I am very happy with it.