Hi All.. I need some help...I want to get the new 1.2 update for my iPod but for some reason my iTunes 7 isn't letting me connect to the Internet through iTunes 7 to get the updates... Plz someone help me figure this problem out...I just recently moved my Wireless router that was connected to my comp to the other room and I bought a Wireless USB Pin Drive... I got a NETGEAR WG111T 108MBps Wireless USB2.0 I plugged it in and I am able to use the internet fine...But it won't let me go Online with iTunes 7 like to their Store or to the internet to download the NEW update... PLZ HELP...I OK'd the use of the programs in ZoneAlarm but For some reason it still isn't working PLZ HELP
Well I feel like an idiot...I wasn't able to connect to Internet Explorer so i checked the settings... I went to connections... LAN Setting and then I saw that USE The Proxy Server for LAN was checked on the bottom and there was a proxy in there so I clicked on the top Automatically Detect Settings and BAM it worked... So What does that do if the USe Proxy Server for LAN is checked?? And Does it cause problems with updating stuff with LiveUpdates like Norton and iTuneS??? Plz Explain
Shoot now I got this Message when I tried to update my iPod... The iPod "Shade" Could Not be updated because an unknown error occured (1417).. What does it mean?