What is a good itunes version I can download? People have told me that some cause problems and that they aren't safe. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
the newer versions of itunes are like the old one's.The only differnce between the old and the new is that the new ones have more functions. so i wouldn't worry about some versions being safer then others just get the latest one which will have the most functions.
They don't necessarily increase / decrease number of features in an iTunes update.. in fact, there are generally bug fixes & minor updates. The latest verion of iTunes is ok as far as I know, but not always the correct choice in these situations. Whenever a new update arrives, you are best off waiting, checking the changelog, and researching to see how other people have got on with that particular version before deciding to update yourself ;-) Bacheegs; If you wish, you can have a look through the iTunes changelog to view details of each update, and decide if the latest one is ideal for you or not. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITunes/changelog As I say, though, the latest version appears to be "glitch free" (thus far), so I am more than happy to recommend you download it from apple.com; http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ [bold][34.8mb][/bold]