My itune download speeds are very slow along with other download music sites speeds I have DSL and my buddy's times kick butt but mine are slow? ? ? Any suggestions?
Does he have DSL also? If he has DSL than he probably has more ram. It also depends how many people are downloading off iTunes too
iTunes is pretty massive so traffic flow is unlikely to really effect download speed unless it is at a time of a big new release. I know it was effected when the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album came out, but that was the only time I noticed any slowdown [I have cable] As nitrous says its probably linked to your RAM, ask your friend how much RAM he has compared to yours, its probably higher, or you just have more programs running, possibly in the background. Plus are you on a router? That can slow download speeds down some, especially if you're on a wireless network with a less then great connection.