Hi, can anyone shed any light as to why I can't pick up my local ITV news in Manchester? I am on Telepest, I have searched on the other providers as well but had no luck. Is there a frequancy code for this area I can do a manual search on? I get Central ITV followed by Midlands local or the other option is London local, any help would be gratefully appreciated. Useing starview 1 with ver. 4.0 e. Thankyou.
Im not sure about that channel as I am in Ireland You could have a look here for the freq codes (Half way down the page)
Thanx for reply Celtic71, I had checked them freq. codes out before, sorry I didn't mention it, what puzzles me as well is that I don't pick up Century fm (manchester)radio but I do on my legit cc box. It tells me on the freq. page for my area that I am on Telepest but as I mentioned above I have tried the other providers, having said that I have not deleted all channels but just changed providers and done a scan over the top of my existing channels, should I do a complete delete and start a fresh?
That was on my mind, pain in the backside to set faves up again, think I will leave it as it's only the misses that moans about it, thanx for all your advice Celtic71.