I've read all the other threads and cant find anything to help. I've been backing up my collection for a while now using a combination of DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, Smart Ripper, VStrip, Clone DVD, with DVD43 in conjunction with nero 6. Sometimes the dvd fails to encode and i get an error message saying: DVD Shrink encountered an error failed to read file "D:" Data error (cyclic redundancy check), I've tried removing and re-installing all the software and uninstalling both my primary and secondary drives and cleaning the disks thoroughly, does any one know why this is happening. Sorry in advance if i've made any mistakes this is my first thread. Cheers
Hi Ya'll, I also get the same msge "(cyclic redundancy check)" but i get it while backing up already backed up dvd (never been played) so they cant be scratched. the backup has been made with shrink but when i try to copy a backup i always get the error msge. What can i do about that ? i get a similar msge while using, nero/clonedvd/dvd decrypter etc. i have the latest firmware on my LG dvd-rom and nec 1300a and the windows installation is clean (just installed 3 weeks ago) I dont get it the dvd cant be bad, my collegue can copy them with no problems, i personally think it is my dvd-rom but on the nec dvd-burner it does the same can anybody help ? thnx
Martyzzz, That error appears because of a bad spot on a disc. Anything from a pit in the dye to just having dirt or dust on the disc can give you that error. In your case it sounds like dirt, bad media, or corrupted data to me. To check this try cleaning the disc and running DvdInfo Pro to check the disc for errors.
Probably from low quality media, burning too fast or both. The drive may benefit from a firmware upgrade as well.
Here is a great little info tool that identifies more than just discs. It's free or you can buy it, I use the free version. http://www.dvdinfopro.com/
I know this code is suppose to refer to a bad disk, (low quality, scratch, dirt, etc.).But I have gotten it many times trying to back up a BRAND NEW DVD. Usually when I run DVDShrink, and DVD43 in combination. NORMALLY, it will work if I just restart the disk, and make sure I WAIT until dvd43 turns green, BEFORE starting Shrink. Sometimes I just hit shrink to fast, and shrink can not break the disk encryption on its own, and it if kicks in BEFORE dvd43 has a chance to break the code, it will give the same “can not read error” as bad disk will. So TRY slowing down a tad, make sure your ROM Drive, and your Burner are both set to DMA, and not PIO. Then put in the disk, and let dvd43 turn green BEFORE you hit Shrink or dvd decryptor either one. Also make sure you have up to date copies of both programs as well. MOST disk will not be a problem, but some can be. Since I started using DVD43, I have not found a disk I can not “back up”. Before that, I had some real problems with a few of them. Good luck to you, Shooterè>
Try to use the Decrypter to copy it to HD first, then write it. Don't write it directly. Another way is to try a different reader.
dvd43, anydvd, dvd region free, are all de-encrypters, that is they rip the movie, running in the background, while u do nothing, enabling u to go directly into programs like recode, InstantCopy 8, etc. They can be used to burn on the fly also.