I was searching on a way to jailbreak my iphone 3g. I wanted something with pictures and details. I found this site online and want to know if it is up to date on jailbreaking? can someone take a look at it and maybe suggest a better way if this is not up to date. http://www.quickpwn.com/2008/09/jailbreak-iphone-21.html
Yap it is the latest to jailbreak your iphone. you only to decide if you want to unlock your 3g later on, if not you can proceed. if yes please search here http://www.ipodtouched.net you need to find the PwnageTool 2.2.1 (date Nov 22) for any clarificasions or guides, i recommend vidoes from Dinozambas, just search it from youtube "Dinozambas" great clear vids to help you jailbreak and more...
i av an iphone version 2.2(5g77), model: MB702LL. Can sumbody please help me to find out which is the perfect jailbreaker for my iphone. i want to install some games..please Help!!