I used to have Java work fine before I formatted. Now whenever I click on links containing "javascript:void" absolutely nothing happens. Nothing pops up opens or even makes an attempt to load. An example of a hyperlink thats doing this would be either download locations on http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=36 . The address is usually always similar on every link that is blocked (I've had a few different ones) and goes along looking like this "javascript:void(fileWindow('178a62cc41a4ef8203e5d4ad4d2c9653'));" Now, this happens on both firefox and IE. I don't really have any popup blockers, except the adblock extension and whatever else is integrated in Firefox or IE. I do have real time protection with M$ Anti Spyware and I have Java Spyware Blaster also...Lets see, I also have AVG Antivirus. I have tried reinstalling Java, doing registry cleanups, defragmenting, virus scanning, spyware scanning..all with no avail. I have even shut down all tasks except the ones that were absolutely necessary in task manager and I still had the problem.