I use dycrpter then dvd20ne then burn with clone cd I have problems with some disks that pause and jerk only in the lasy chapters of the movies. I am shrinking to 4230mb which sovled 99% of the problems but some disks dont work. Any ideas??
You already probably know this but do you shut your virus program down when burning because I notice that this causes these type problems.
Welcome to the forum my friend - My first piece of advise is, when burning - "STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER, STAY OUT OF THE ROOM WHILE THE COMPUTER IS BURNING !!" Also, in msconfig, go over the stuff in the startup window, there are a ton of things you don't really need to have start up when you boot your system - background programs running use up resources - free some of them up - Lower your burning speed - that might help also - (BTW, Congrtas on your selection of a smaller file to burn to disc - however 4300MB is plenty enough "wiggle room" Lastly, many manufacturers have an uneven layer of dye towards the outside on the disc, soooo much so that just reducing the size of the file you're burning doesn't help unless you're burning a 1/2 hour DVD, lol - Media is a major concern in DVD backups - take Memorex as a good example as media goes, figures as high as 50% coasters have been reported (One member bought a stack of 50 and got 23 good burns.), not what I would call an impressive record. 4 different companies manufacture Memorex BTW and the quality varies widely as you might imagine. Easy to see now why the quality of a big-named company can't be trusted - "Who's making your Memorex tonight ?" 1. * Cheap media freezes, skips, stutters, pixelats, partially jams, may be rejected and lest we forget, our old standby, giving you the old just, refuses to be recognized routine :-( Besides "Freezing", "skips" and pixelations, many times you'll get a "Cyclic Redundancy error" or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won't accept your "cheap" media :-( Another problem which "pops up" is a "*Power Calibration Error". This can stop you right in your tracks and most often is caused by, Yep, you guessed it, inexpensive media. *A "Power Calibration Error" can also be attributed to the Optical Components of a DVD Writer, though this isn't usually the case. Trying to shut down your software and ejecting your DVD then restarting your program and re-inserting the same media recently cleaned has been known to help. Inexpensive media or even average media is great for text, Data, Spreadsheets, .Jpg and .Gif pictures and is good even for MP3 music BUT for DVD backups - BLAaaaaaT! It SUCKTH in an extremely Big-th way ! 2. A good grade media is needed for DVD reproduction ! "Branded" Ritek G04's or Branded Verbatim are what we're looking for OR any media boasting "Advanced AZO Metal Dye", this indicates a superior dye application, while they are sometimes a bit "pricey" they are acceptable. Prices online from Meritline.com have gotten Ritek G04 down below a dollar a disc - Question - If you make coasters out of 3 cheap or even average discs and good copies from 3 Branded Verbatim discs or 3 "Branded" Ritek G04 discs - which ones then will you say are too expensive ? The 3 "Cheapo's with no movie backup OR, the 3 recommended discs with a perfect backup on each disc ? Bear in mind, Memorex, Fuji, Sony, TDK, Orange Pack and others are quite good for your MP3 music, picture archives, Spread sheets, Data and your text backups and archives, they just don't work well for DVD backups. Even DataSafe G04's made by Ritek have been reported as inferior quality and are evoking that "Oh no, I shouldn't have gotten those." Remember, for DVD backups, purchasing inexpensive media or even average media is a gamble, some people win, the majority of people lose, varying amounts but, they still lose :-( Let's try the right media for the job - just buy a 5 pack of what we recommend that will settle it once and for all - Don't cheat though, buy the EXACT media we recommended - Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt. BTW, In an effort to clear the air, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to the way the manufacturer's cut the corners during the manufacture of the discs. And when I say "Branded" that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says "Ritek" or "Verbatim" on the disc itself. cheers, Pete
Pete, sly_61019,and Mrlovkim Thanks for the welcome and replys, greatly appreciated. The media I am having great success is with "branded" Princo,(not one Prob in 200+)but the sellers are pushing blank disks so people can print to them. So I am told Currently I am paying for the Princos $40 for 50 but as they are getting scarce that resulted in the query. In answer to your reply pete and Mrlovkim I am running XP with nothing on the startup and have 240meg of ram free with nil antivirius,also i reboot before burning and delete the original files. I think pete you have hit the nail on the head and maybe should not look for cheap options, but how cheap is cheap?? Again thanks all for the advice.
For your consideration - Mertline.com - Ritek G04's X4, as low as $.55ea (USD)free shipping Lastly, one thing I haven't addressed is the life of a backup made on an "el cheapo" disc. We all know that data, music and video backed up on CD’s and DVD’s will last forever, well, if not forever for at least 100 yrs or so – that’s what we’ve read and that’s why we backup our treasures to disc, so that they’ll be safe. “BLAaaaT” (the bone chilling sound of an emergency air horn), wrong, dead wrong, hang you’re your video camera tapes and family pictures, “Point of fact,” inferior discs have a tendency to "Break down" in time. In a very short time, we’re talking disc breakdown in less than a single year, as little as 6 to 8 months. Important, please read - http://news.independent.co.uk/world/science_technology/story.jsp?story=513486 My personal observations on this subject - I have had 25 to 30 backups that have refused to play after being stored for a year or more. I test all of my backups when they are burnt to be totally sure that there are no problems. "In the Golden, Olden times," before I knew any better, the Maxell and TDK discs (and any thing that was on sale) was what I used to use before I switched to Ritek and Verbatim, it is the cheap stuff that I have been experiencing trouble with. I noticed that backup DVD's I had been using refused to play in my standalone player and on my PC. VOB files wouldn't play either and other discs that I backed up about the same time would "Jam" part way through the movie. After switching to Verbatim and Ritek s, mostly the Ritek's because the price was right, I've not had 1 go "Flat" in almost 2 years. I still have some backups done on the cheap stuff and as time wears on I lose a few more as I attempt to check them. I say to you, why did a backup play fine in "01"and "02" then "fail" in "03 ?? Some that were done in "01" never made it till "02" and others done about the same time and "Failed" in "04"? All of the backups from "02" and "03", done on the "good Stuff" work fine today - not a single failure ! As always, you have a choice - Cheers, Pete BTW, In an effort to clear the air, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to the way the manufacturer’s cut the corners during the manufacture of the discs and the quality control used during manufacturing. And when I say “Branded” that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says “Ritek” or “Verbatim” on the disc itself. The cost of the media we recommend many times is cheaper than that you are buying now.
what they say is true BUY the good dvd+r i only use tdk(when on sale 100 for 100.00 and verbatim from samsclub for like 42.99 which is good too
Hi there cop23, Welcome to our little corner of the web and I repeat - You see, sometimes you make the correct choice )