join S/VCD with SOUNDFORGE???

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by sithlordx, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. sithlordx

    sithlordx Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    Question people, after trying and failing to merge my S/VCD movies so they could eventually be made into a compliant DVD (one file w/o sync issues)I realized I needed the MAINCONCEPT MPEG plugin*for SOUNDFORGE...I eventually purchased it(yay me)...Now I guess all I have to do is change the audio to 48khz in SOUNDFORGE and copy and paste the two parts together and output/render???I tired to copy and paste but I only was able to paste the audio for some reason and not the video(?)What now ? I'm using SOUNDFORGE because I already owned it and it's a great APP as far as audio is concerned plus I just got hip to the fact it could accept video,thus in theory I should be able to do fix sync issues and merge/join a two part S/VCD,has anyone done this?Any feedback would be great thanks in advance.__X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2003
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well You Know that if you use Sound Forge You will have to Re-render the File which means that you will loose a Lot of Quality and you do Not nescessarilly have to convert the SVCD Files to DVD for them to be on a DVD, You can author SVCD"s to DVD and that way you will not loose any Video Quality...What you should Use is a Good Mpeg editor Like "Mpeg2VCR" to Join your SVCD Files, It even has a Feature that can fix any little errors in the SVCD Files...Then after Joining the Files then Use a DVD authoring Program called "DVD-Lab" to Author the SVCD to a DVD-R with Menu"s and Chapters...If you Message me with your E=Mail Address I can send you a old version of Mpeg2VCR to Join your Files, It also has tools for fixing sync Problems....Cheers
  3. Pr3datorS

    Pr3datorS Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    I just read your Reply Minion and now have "Mpeg2VCR"

    i am tring to join 3 SVCD files to make a single film. Can u explain how to use "Mpeg2VCR" so i can do it..

    U seem to know how its done.

  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Hi, I will try to explain it the best I can without showing you Pictures...So you 3 Files that just need to be Joined together ,So you load in File #1 and you click the "Copy" button and it will Copy the File to the Video Clip List,Then you Load in File #2 and do the same thing and copy it to the Clip List, Then you Load in File #3 and Moove the Slider to the Beginning of File #3 and click the "Insert Marker" Button and then you Drag and Drop file #2 to the Insret Marker and Now you should se Files #2 and #3 joined in the Window ,Now Move the Slide to the Beginning of the Clip and Click the "Insert marker" Button again and then Drag File #1 from the Clip list and Drop it on the Insert Marker and now you should see all 3 files joines together in the window ,Now you Just Moove the Slider to the Beginning and click the "Mark in" button, then moove the Slider to the end of the File and Click the "Mark Out" button then click the "Save" button and save the New File...I know it might be hard to follow the Instructions but it is Hard to explain without Pictures showing you were these Buttons are and were to Drop the Clips...If it is too dificult to Join clips this way you can allways use Tmpgenc"s "Merge & Cut" to join the Files which would be easier but the chances of Problems and sync problems is greater...good Luck

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