Hello, I want to join two different AC3 files so I can make it the soundtrack for one movie. Basically I need something that allows me to cut/join AC3's. The audio files are also different aspects so maybe I need to compress it too? Ive been using V-Dub and V-DubMod and have had mimimal sucess. So if anyone knows of any good ways to join to AC3's Ill really appreciate it.
Yeah this needs a bump, as I too have run into the same problem. When you join avi files that have ac3 audio, in virtualdbu/mod, the ac3 header isn't rewritten. So the audio plays fine in the avi, but after you demux it, it is rejected by any app (dvd authoring and video editing programs) that compares the header to the stream. After joining the forum I saw the "No video related qustions" but the core of the question is still audio at its core, how do you join two ac3 files together?
@HsAYBH - assuming your ac3 sound is in 2 avi files, open CD1 in VDub Mod then "append" CD2 (ie. append segment) - then go to Streams -> Stream List, select "Demux" and save the joined ac3 - see here: http://www.dvdrhelp.com/forum/userguides/186739.php @Juise. To fix the joined ac3 file produced by VDub Mod so that it will be accepted by DVD Authoring Applications, just run BeSpliced ( http://dspguru.notrace.dk/BeSlicedv0.2.zip ), drag the ac3 into the little box, and select Fix File.