I have 35 mp3s to join and find it cannot be done without creating bumping noises at join... I have been told this is because of the frame structure of mp3 and that I could try converting to wav. Would that help? I could also re-download as wma, aac or mpc - will any of those join without noise? Thanks
I would use a wave editor like Audacity to import the mp3's (which will automatically convert them to wav) and then join them all together how you want, and then export them all as one big mp3 Hope this helps
Thanks for reply. Yes I do use Audacity .. And have done what you suggest already but there are small joining noises in playback of the project file in Audacity so assume these would be present if exported as well
Try Ordix mpack Professional 4.01. You can download it here: Ordix mpack Professional 4.01: http://www.download.com/Ordix-Mpack-Professional/3000-2248-10144650.html?tag=lst-4-1#cnetReview