Alright so I have a movie that is split into two avi files and when I try to join them using Virtual Dub it says the audio streams do not share a common sampling rate. It says First Stream: 00002cc9/00000001 = 11465.00000 samples/sec and Second Stream: 00002caa/00000001 = 11434.00000 samples/sec. I went into the properties of each avi and the audio streams are described as being the same. The video aspect of the files seems to differ though. The first avi's data rate is 192kbps and the second avi's data rate is 194kbps. Is there any way I can fix this problem?
I had two files like that.The sampling rate the same, but the data rate different. I loaded each file (separately) and set the video as direct, then recompressed the audio.In this case mp3 48000, 128. Both new files now matched and allowed loading one and appending the other.
You click 'Audio''Full Processing Mode''Compression' select a compressor and choose the settings. Set 'Video' as 'Direct Stream Copy' then save the new file Both files are processed separately. If you are not familiar with VirtualDub, you should try Doom9 for guidance - because there is a good chance that once the files are joined, the second one will be out of sync. If you have Nero, you would be better off just using Nero Vision to make a DVD-Video and let it merge both files into one title after you load them.
Okay so the reason they won't join is that the audio is different. So you basically have to 1. rip the audio out of both (Save as WAV, under File) 2. combine video and audio together but now with audio at CBR (constant bitrate) 3. Join them via the Append option under File mail me zplonk ad yahoo dod cum