So I read the guy and I did everything like it says and it did really well. The movie I got was in one piece ... But I looked at the joining point and there is this HUGE audio spike. Almost blew my ears out. Anyway .. anyone know how this can be avoided. My movie is Xvid with AC3 audio. Thanks a bunch in advance.
My suggestion is to do Video__select range to avoid that point and, after, join the newly created pieces which haven't that spike. Alas, often the movies haven't been split correctly (sometimes the pieces overlap).
Sorry I am kinda new to this stuff. Do you want to do video > select range after I have loaded both or just one of the video files. Also once I click the button a box shows up with start offset, length and end offset. There are also two check boxes with offset audio to maintain a/v sync. The other is cut off video when audio stream ends. Both of these are checked. Thanks for the help in advance!
Load the movie you want to modify, do select range and save. Then join the new piece to the other one, as explained in . I'm afraid than you won't have a perfectly joined audio, I hope the split point was chosen properly (a silence in the movie speech or something like that)...