I need a prog that can mass convert bitrates.. in other words a prog that will convert 23.4 gigs of music all to one bitrate value. Song by Song isn't going to work lol any suggestions peeps?
damn dude, you don't gotta be rude. keep in mind people come here on their SPARE time to offer support and help for FREE. So be patient...it might take a day or two to get a response. Being impatient will make people even less likely to help you. To answer your question, I highly recommend against what you are doing. First off, why do you want/need all your music files to be the same bitrate? That doesn't make any sense. I assume your files are in some compressed form, like mp3 or wma. By re-encoding your compressed files to a different bitrate, you are severing degrading ther quality. Anytime you convert a lossy format to another lossy format, major quality is lost. Just leave your files the way they are now. You don't need to convert them all to one bitrate.
lol you took it personal cause i said don't jump all at once. lol i swear you addicts throw your weight around. Do a search, and use my member name and look at some of my posts mr scoopy. I don't come on this site and just ask questions. The majority of my posts are helping other ppl with their issues. I'm not some newb who just signed up for this website and is asking a question lol. Dude you jumped on me for no reason. You stressed out or something? Take a deep breath man *passes djscoop blunt* here smoke that and relax a little man. Lol, you could have asked me why i wanted to do it before you told me that it didn't make sense lol. It makes perfect sense to me. I have songs that range in bitrates from 256-400+ You know like i know higher bitrate = more space taken up. My computer is filling up w. isos and mp4 files, So for space reasons I wanted to convert the bitrates to one decent bitrate value. I don't need mp3s with bitrates of 500. So now that i have explained to you why I want to do this lol, could you just help with a prog i could use. that's all i wanted to kno dude.
I don't feel like I over reacted. I just find it so annoying when only a day goes by and people complain in their thread about not getting an answer. not sure what type of compressed audio files you have, but mp3 bitrates only go up to 320. it goes 24, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, and 320. If you still want to lower the bitrates and lose major quality, then check out dBPowerAMP. It is free and the best audio converter there is. There is a link in my sig below for their website. I'm not sure, but I think it can do batches. Just select all the files in a folder and right click to convert.
I didn't complain lol. All i said was don't jump all at once. I am sure someone didn't become an afterdawn addict posting once a day. We're just two different people thats all. If I know something I help someone. I get around to helping people, and I don't complain when I do. Its cool tho, thanks for helping anyway eventhough you're making me feel like i had to pull your teeth for help lol
Joeva, i think you are having a bad hair day as djscoop is right in that all members are here on their own free time. i've seen messages wait for days before being answered. it also has nothing to do being an addict, a mod, a senior member or any aother member status as you would have been answered the same so have some patience!!!!!
O wow i got reported to a mod. I posted and came back a day later. I know members come here on their spare time, I am a member as well and I have a full time job and come here on my spare time as well. I've never see a post go longer than 2 hours to get answered. Where I usually hang out(PSP GD) we usually get around to questions in anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. I don't feel I was obnoxious at all. I am simply accustomed to answering and being answering promptly. I wasn't acting like an impatient newb who started to complain after 2 hours of not being answered. I think I would have been rude if i said "WHY THE F**K HAS ANYONE ANSWERED MY POST", which I didn't, I was being sarcastic when I said Don't all answer at once. No malice was intended, and I don't feel that the statement was abhorrent at all. Not disrespecting authority but voicing my opinion in a respectful & assertive manner. Oh yea ddp I don't kno if you saw this thread but http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/315390 hopefully you have a sense of humor and I wont be banned for it lol. Also note here that I got to this particular post in 8 minutes.
1. You come in two days late to an argument that doesnt involve you. 2. This thread was dead. Dj Scoop said what he had to say, I said what I had to say and ddp said what he wanted. 3. Where did you come in? This doesn't involve you in the slightest bit. 4. Waste of space & time? You have nothing better to do but to come into threads that don't concern you and flame? That was an abhorrent statement, a testiment to your pugnacity and lack of class. Responding with negativity is useless.