just a few questions.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by masfenix, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. masfenix

    masfenix Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    Okay so I burnt a movie using DVDshrink.

    It was larger then 4.7 and i compressed it to use it on a 4.7 disk.

    They work on my PC okay, and my dvd player okay!.

    i just went to bestbuy for more dvd-r disks, but I instead bought 3 dvd+r DOUBLE layer.

    I am thinking to backup the full movie with menus and stuff and keep 100% quality.

    Is this possible? Will it still play on my dvd player?
  2. dizzyduck

    dizzyduck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    It is very possible with DVD-Shrink. Change the settings from DVD-5 to DVD-9 and use shrink like normal. As far as playing on your DVD player, it depends if your DVD player likes the brand of discs you bought.
  3. masfenix

    masfenix Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    But I hear menus cant be transferred over?
  4. dizzyduck

    dizzyduck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Untrue. Just be sure you do entire disc and not main movie only. If you want a better piece of software, I would recommend DVDFab Decrypter. Much better at backing up newer movies. But DVD Shrink should do exactly what you're wanting, menus and all.
  5. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    Yes dizduck is right.
    It is fully possible to back up the whole dvd with menu's, extras, and what ever else is on the disc. you just have to make sure in dvdshrink to just backup the whole disc, do not use re-author. I use version 3.2, so the settings might be a little different, but for mine if I don't want any compression, I click the area were it asks what ratio of compression I want, and chose no compression.
    Its that easy. After that I use dvdclone to burn the files to my disc.
    The cool thing about using dvdclone is that if I use no compression with dvdshrink and run out of dual layer discs, clonedvd will automatically resize the file to fit on whatever size disc I put in, so if I forget to shrink a file or the file is like 5gbs, clonedvd will still burn it onto any disc for me.

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