Hey all... After many years of faithful service from my old, trusty 5.1 receiver, it finally died on me a few days ago. So, yesterday, I picked up a 7.1 receiver. Here's what I'm wondering. Since there aren't really (that I've ever seen) any films coded in 7.1 - should I bother hooking up two additional speakers to the surround-back channels? And also, why aren't films being coded in 7.1 already? Thanks for any info
Most 7.1 receivers have simulated surround sound for the extra 2 but you should definitely hook up ALL of your speakers. That way you will add power to your system and have a fuller depth to your surround sound. It makes a bigger difference than you think. Movies in the future (hd and bluray) are reported to play 7.1 but until then hook those bad boys up and calibrate your receiver.
There are quite a few movies out, that are in 6.1 surround. The sound will be matrixed into the 7th speaker. You need a good sized room to setup a 7.1 system. Is your room plenty big? Enough room behind your seat, to put two more speakers, and have them a little ways from you?
more importantly gents, would your wife (partner) be wiling to accommodate and accept ANOTHER two speakers in the said room? Or, are you lucky enough to have a dedicated AV surround sound room for your viewing pleasure? If it was my wife, I know what she would say especially if she found out that the movie is not carrying 7.1 sound channels!!! All I can say is that you are a braver man than me
@jlg895...... You must not be married. It has to do with the WAF (wife acceptance factor). If the wife doesn't want an extra two speakers in the room, they don't go in the room! Just that simple........
Sorry, was in a weird mood earlier. Catching up on The Office leaves me in a sarcastic mood. Timing must have been off. However, he could also go in wall or in the ceiling. It's not difficult to do and I have had good results. I don't mean to be a stickler for the 7.1 but I enjoy good audio and the other 2 speakers allow me to be within this great depth of sound.
Don't mean to butt in, but the WAF is critical to any system set-up and/or purchase. I have 5.1 sound from ceiling speakers and it is excellent, very satisficed---but these are top quality ceiling speakers. Can easily add one or more ceiling speakers when needed.
Heh.. Thanks for all the responses folks... I've had the 7.1 receiver, and 8 speakers (including the sub), since the day after I posted the original post. ;-) I'm glad I got the other 2 SBL/R speakers. I'm anal about sound, especially being a professional composer. I had no idea what I was missing.
Being a child of the 60's, I too am anal over good audio---which, if given the choice, I prefer over picture quality any day. Do the two extra speakers really make that much difference even with 5.1 sound?