just got a new computer....hard drive problems

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by longjonsi, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. longjonsi

    longjonsi Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    im helpin someone with a new computer and when we boot from the windows cd every thing goes good but then it says that the computer has no hard drive. i know its put in there right and it reads on the start up screen....but the windows thing wont recognize it.
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    here's a thing to ponder !

    Did you format the drive ?? -- Your post is not very explicit !! You saying the drive shows.

    It will show on bootup as a hardware item on your bios screen -- BUT -- The O/S will not detect it if you did not activate and format the drive.

    ALL new drives have to be first of all ACTIVATED using FDISK on your Boot Disk -- Then with format.exe you do the formatting.

    Quote from Microsoft ReadMe ""FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.EXE

    FDISK and FORMAT are utilities necessary for installing
    a new hard disk in your computer or for starting over
    fresh with a clean disk. FDISK is used first to create
    a partition and then FORMAT is used to make the partition
    available for use.""

    This is explicit enough.

    Creating a partition == is making either a portion ...or ALL of the disk activated for formatting -- you can choose .. all or a part of it.

    Formatting == is placing on that activated portion the necessary instructions needed to accept data on the disk.

    BOTH of these steps are required before you can use a NEW HARD Disk.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper !

    Take Care.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2004

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