Just need an expert advice which one where u all considering for me to get ,,,,,,I havent tried none of this ? Or give me an idea of wat to get thanks .... zapper
First off, don't limit yourself to only those choices. I have an R4 and love it. Other (Mr. Hanky?) would probably tell you that the R4 is yesterday's news and you should get a Cyclo or a G6. An idea of what to get? Read this. http://blogs.moddz.com/jdtsm22/files/2007/03/homebrew-guide.pdf
The R4 is yesterdays news (not my normal wording, but as snorlax22 said it... ) Seriously though, the R4 is a good cart, it is very simple and easy to use however it does have some drawbacks, which are mainly storage (you can only use standard microSD cards so your limited to a max of 2GB), and price (retailers are charging stupid amounts for these cards now as they are in limited supply and people do not know of the alternatives) The DSTT is meant to be as simple as the R4 but without those two drawbacks, it is generally alot cheaper, and it can use microSDHC cards which i think currently go to 8GB (but will go higher in the future) I don't actually own a DSTT (did buy one but was faulty) but have read some reports of games freezing when loading, i have also read this has been fixed in a firmware update, though again i am not sure as i cannot test it. My current favorite card is the G6 Real as it has never failed me with any game, followed closely by the M3 Real (both cards are near enough the same apart from the G6 has built in memory and loads faster where as the M3 uses microSDHC cards and loads slower) If I was to recommend a card I would actually say get a cycloDS, i don't own one but at the moment it does seem to be one of the best cards available. ------- I have just noticed my Firefox spell checker is not working so excuse any spelling mistakes
Fear not the Google. You must use the Google, young Jedi. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_DS_storage_devices http://www.r4ds.com/r4.htm http://www.ndstt.com/english/index_en.htm http://www.nxpgame.com/default.aspx Edit: I knew Mr. Hanky would have the definitive answer. Cool.