Just like the X files

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by callyrob, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. callyrob

    callyrob Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    I wonder if anyone can solve this mystery?

    I've had my Nokia dbox2 for over a year with no problems until very recently. Then it started freezing very briefly. My supplier told me to check all the leads/connections. When I checked the back of the box I noticed the cable entry connection had almost snapped off.

    My supplier gave it to his contact who soldered it back on. At his contacts house he recieved all the channels again. My supplier also checked it in his house and again it worked perfectly. I collected it from him, plugged it in and could get hardly any channels, not even BBC1,2, ITV etc although I got ukgold people (wow) and 1 or 2 other obscure channels perfectly. I also got some channels called BTV service 1,2,3 and 4????. On all the other channels I got either a blank screen or a frozen picture with an intermittant sound or a screeching.

    When I phoned my man he seemed very suprised and thought it could be signal strength. Do not ask how but he boosted my signal, plugged it in again but got the same result! He had another box in his car and plugged that in and got a perfect picture with all the channels!!!

    I am a complete novice at this. Has anyone ANY ideas on what the problem could be. It seems the box is fine as it works in both their houses and it seems everything is ok my end as a different box works in my house.

  2. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Ok I dont know much about Nokia Dbox2 but are you all on the same provider connection , eg. ex N*L, TW or C&W ?
  3. callyrob

    callyrob Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    Hi....yes all on Tellypest

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