Just picked up a widescreen TV. I am a little confused about anamorphic pictures...

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by TooBokoo, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. TooBokoo

    TooBokoo Guest

    I just picked up a 47" widescreen TV last week. When I watch anamorphic dvd's in the full mode like they are supposed to be displayed everything to me still looks a little short and stubby... slightly fat. I thought DVD's in anamorphic were meant for 16:9 TV's so do DVD's on wide TV's still look a little funny or is it just me?

    When I watch them in 4:3 everything kinda looks tall and skinny, but then when I go to wide everything looks short and fat and I thought the point of anamorphic was that they look theater style on wide TV's. Maybe it's just me though... Things look pretty normal when I put my TV in ZOOM mode on anamorphic DVD's. But, then I am not seeing everything side to side. I dunno... I am confused.

    Keep in mind I am watching anamorphic movies. I've tried several of them and I've even consulted my TV manual to make sure that I am viewing them in the right display setting that my TV offers. But, when I pause a section of the movie and then switch my TV's view mode back and forth 4:3 looks pretty normal although somewhat taller, and as soon as I switch it to the wide mode which my TV says is where I am supposed to have it for anamorphic, things look short, and fat and just not really quite right. Maybe they are supposed to look fat and stubby. But, I think that's pretty stupid if that's how it's supposed to look...
  2. TooBokoo

    TooBokoo Guest

    Nevermind I got it. I'm retarded... Needed to put the DVD player on 16:9 mode as well... I'm a dunce!

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