Read on another forum that they are testing a Thompson Decoder to replace the Sagem Decoder used by Chorus and the Pace decoder used by NTL. Could this be the end of the DBOX/Starview/Dreambox fun?
Any links? mgb17 was saying in another thread they could change just the encryption and send out new cards. This would cost a lot to implement, but if they have to send out new boxes it will cost a fortune. I wonder if they are loosing many subscriptions due to people getting boxes, there would come a point where it is more economical to replace all boxes to regain subscription fees.
Maybe only new subscribers get new boxes and the others new cards. Its all only speculation. A move to a other encryption system should last at least 6 to 12 month.
im presuming that ntl use nagravision1 and they would be upgrading to nagravision2.on alot of other forums im involved in the people say that this has already been cracked but has not been released because then the tv companies would know and change system before release,so they let ntl change to new encryption and then release the codes to crack it.makes sense i think.(can anyone confirm it is nagravision 1 or 2
UPC Ireland is using nagra1 and nobody know if a brand new nagra2 version is crackable. Some older nagra2 versions are cracked and some not. What UPC will do is only guessing but nobody should expect that the current situation lasts forever.
didnt realise their were 2 versions of nagra 2.cause i thought that i saw somewhere that nagra 2 had been cracked but must have been the old nagra 2.anyway i wouldnt loose any sleep on it ,if they do bring out a new one it will be cracked within a few months and that link say nothing about a new box ,it just talks about chorus viewers getting new channels
There are different rom versions with different features for nagra2 on the market. Some were never hacked and some are already again closed.