It was fine until daylight savings,and now its an hour off.Anyone know if I can change this up an hour or what? I've been toying with the settings,and all I learned was how to change the text colors when viewing roms and stuff lol. Oh btw if you can change the time like I want,I have an additional question.Can you set it to a 12h format,rather then the 24h format the army uses.I can tell the army time and what not,it just takes me a little longer cuz im not used to doing it on a daily basis.Well those are my questions,will be much appreciated if you guys can help,if not i'll live though.These are just two minor annoyances im having with my DS. Oh snaps before I forget,can you change the text color in moonshell as well? I can probably figure this out but why not ask while im at it huh?
Nevermind,I figured it out on my own.Didn't get any reply anyways lol,guess this isn't a very popular subject.